Ergonomic Chair

Ergonomic 24/7 chair

The use of ergonomic chairs 24/7 is a differential aspect in improving performance in the workplace. It is likewise a key issue that ergonomic chair is provided with 24/7 certificate.

Acoustic Panels

Paneles Acústicos Madera

The design of office and work environments such as meeting rooms, boardrooms, huddle rooms, etc. They take into account many aspects. In this sense, the inclusion of acoustic panels is progressively gaining greater importance in the configuration of spaces.

Reception Desk

Mueble Recepcion

Among our available range of Smart Furniture we can also provide an elegant selection of reception desk counters. This type of furniture is still present in current corporate spaces, often delivering a first impression of the company.

Call Center Furniture

Call Center en oficinas

Our catalog includes Call Center furniture aimed at marketing, emergency call centres or customer service, among many others purposes.