All about Lund Halsey Technical Furniture Accessories

Lund Halsey solutions offer our customers with a large amount of applicabilities. Among them, the allocation of technical furniture accessories in order to deliver our customer with the desired console configuration. Design your custom console configuration by adding your required accessories and improve operator performance at workplace.

Lund Halsey solutions offer our customers with a large amount of applicabilities. Among them, the allocation of technical furniture accessories in order to deliver our customer with the desired console configuration.

Our Control Room Consoles cover a wide range of markets. In effect, Lund Halsey technical furniture contains all features needed for the deployment of additional accessories into its infrastructure.


Lund Halsey consoles comply with current requirements for the conception of Control Room installations. Thus, helping operator to improve its performance at workplace, as well as reaching highest comfort.

PDU Units

Console structure is conceived in an integral way. We are aware of the need to place connection sockets near equipment devices.

Therefore, Lund Halsey furniture contains specific compartments for PDU units storage. Located within console internal space right below monitor screens it also provides an easy connection for internal equipment devices.

Monitor Arms

Monitor arms are a key element within Control Room environments. In effect, screens become crucial for information processing and fast reaction timings. Lund Halsey console range considers the need of its integration. All our monitor arms will fit VESA standards for monitor screens.

Specific slots are placed on the top of console structure. Those help to integrate all kind and size of monitor screens. Likewise, it allows customer to create their own configuration according to its specific requirement.

Further to this, customer can be provided with the most appropriate arm version. In option, Kontrol Monitor Arm grants you with both great stability and flexibility. As option as well, e-Type Monitor Arm is specifically conceived for Broadcast installations.

Totems and Plasma Stands

Large size screens can also accomodate at Lund Halsey consoles. Also specific screens configurations will fit into your console design. For this, we count with our Electronically Height Adjustable Totem.

Such totem integrates within main console structure. It ensures highest resistance and security for the deployment of large size screens and custom configurations. In addition, its height adjustable feature will enable you to adapt screens position according to your preferred configuration.

Mostly for Meeting and Conference Rooms, single screens can also be deployed. When discussing, showing presentations, or sharing information, our Kudo Stack Stand will host your large size screens.

Kontrol Touch

Kontrol Touch becomes one of distinctive Lund Halsey accessories. Our connection box can perfectly fit on work surface, close to working area.

Customer can choose to be provided with open surface option or with rotating feature. By flashing your hand over Kontrol Touch, this will open and provide operator with its sockets connection.

Interchangeable Pods

Work surface of the console may need to include customised equipment devices. Lund Halsey technical furniture design takes all this into account.

Your console may need to allocate telephone devices, Broadcast mixers, ATC radars, among many others. Therefore, the console will be supplied with interchangeable metal pods to accomodate those items. In case of future modifications or changes, customer will be able to move it with no major difficulties.

In conclusion, Lund Halsey technical furniture offers you with plenty of accessories solutions. Thus, providing you with great modularity as well as custom configurations according to your specific requirements.

All this, granted with highest ergonomic standards and the ease to improve operator performance at workplace.


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